DaRab profile

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Total Discuss Messages
Registered for 1 year!
Earned when you have been registered on Xetaravel for 1 year.
Young teenager !
Earned when you have been registered on Xetaravel for 2 years.
You are getting old!
Earned when you have been registered on Xetaravel for 3 years.
3rd age club!
Earned when you have been registered on Xetaravel for 5 years.
This is the retirement home!
Earned when you have been registered on Xetaravel for 7 years.
Welcome in the community !
Obtained after your first message on the Xetaravel discuss.
Obtained once you have posted 10 replies to the discuss.
A real chatterbox !
Obtained once you have posted 50 replies to the discuss.
You don't stop yelling!
Obtained once you have posted 100 replies to the discuss.
A real spammer!
Obtained once you have posted 500 replies to the discuss.
Time to change your keyboard!
Obtained once you have posted 1000 replies to the discuss.
You helped a member!
Obtained once you receive your first « Resolved Response » on the Xetaravel discuss.
You are really smart!
Obtained once you have received 10 or more « Resolved Response » on the discuss.
A real tutor!
Obtained once you have received 20 or more « Resolved Response » on the discuss.
An encyclopedia !
Obtained once you have received 50 or more « Resolved Response » on the discuss.
The first hundred!
Obtained once you have earned your first 100 experience points.
The first thousand!
Obtained once you have earned your first 1000 experience points.
A real soldier!
Obtained once you have earned your first 10000 experience points.
A Xetaravel veteran!
Obtained once you have earned your first 100000 experience points.
The million!
Obtained once your experience points exceed one million.
It shines !
Obtained once you have earned your first 50 rubies.
As if it rained !
Obtained once your rubies reach 100.
A real miner!
Obtained once your rubies reach 500.
A real jeweller!
Obtained once your rubies reach 1000.