Emeric Fevre
I'm a

Web Development (Software)
Back-end web applications with frameworks Laravel, Symfony & CakePHP.
Front-end web application with frameworks Vue & Angular. Styling with LESS, SASS, Bootstrap and Tailwind.
Unit Testing, Git, CI/CD, DevOps
Tools and Technologies:
PHP, JS, TS, SASS, Laravel, Symfony, CakePHP, Vue, Angular, MySQL, Photoshop
Realization of a Blog, Forum (Discuss), Admin Panel open-source with the Laravel framework.
Source Code: XetaIO/Xetaravel

Realization of a Blog, Admin Panel open-source with the CakePHP framework.
Source Code: XetaIO/Xeta

Realization of a e-commerce for selling applications connected with the website via a secure API with the CakePHP framework.
Site : https://www.frenchmoddingteam.com

ARK Division
Realization of a donation system with members account, serveurs status update with the Laravel framework.
Site : https://discuss.ark-division.fr
Emeric Fevre
Web Application Developer & Designer, learning since 10+ years in autodidact. Mainly back-end developer with PHP and the frameworks Laravel, Symfony & CakePHP. I have also worked/work with JavaScript, TypeScript, SASS, VueJS, WebPack, Redis... I’m currently in formation at OpenClassRoom.
- St Marcel, 71380
- emeric@xetaravel.com
Professionnal Certification Level 5 Developer & Integrator Web
2022Online formation with OpenClassRoom.
Professional Certification Level 4 Carpenter
2007Obtained at the CFA Compagnons du Devoir at Dijon.
Professional Experience
Full-stack Developer & Network Administrator
2020 - PresentVolunteer at the association Division Gaming France (RNA : W863010817).
- Creation of a member section (with account management), donation system (Paypal API) & administration panel with the Laravel framework.
- Creation of an application for managing the status of the game servers and players connected, with scheldule tasks (CRON), and persistence of datas with MySQL.
- Creation of an automated rewards system for donations, and collecting rewards directly in the game.
- Continious Integration with GitHub and GitHub actions, Unit Tests with PHPUnit, Continious Deployment with Laravel Forge.
Full-stack Developer
2016 - PresentAutodidact
- Creation of my personnal website with the Laravel framework : https://xetaravel.com.
- Creation of many Laravel and CakePHP plugins open-source.
Creation of a Discuss forum with many features (see it in live):
- Categories
- Replies
- Leaderboard
- Solved Reply
- Actions Logs
- Pinned/Locked